
Honghu Yitai Technology Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

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  Honghu Yitai Technology Co., Ltd. is situated in New Xintan District, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei, China. With the Yangtze River in the east and Dongting Lake in the south, it is easy of access. As key science and technology project of Science Technology Department of Honghu City, Honghu Yitai Technology Co., Ltd. has strong technical force and excellent management team. The company was founded in 2012 with total investment of ¥200 million. At present, a garden type high-tech chemical material production base covering 228mu has been established. The company has excellent technical and management team, 26 of the total employees have medium-grade professional title and bachelor or above degree, 1 is researcher, and 6 are postgraduates. Our products have reached domestic and international advanced level, and they are highly preferred by multinational corporations. The company is people-oriented, and it is a bright new star in the industry through accelerating technological innovation, strengthening international management, and creating first-class brand.

Enterprise culture: enterprise vision: produce satisfactory products
Enterprise tenet: offer high-quality products and build favorable word of mouth
Development objective: first-class in the industry, advanced in China
Enterprise spirit: solidarity and struggle, kindheartedness and dedication; exploration and innovation, dare to be the first

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